A Call for Tolerance in the EU
În cadrul proiectului Jean Monnet Combaterea xenofobiei. Provocări pentru comunicare [Communicating on EU Challenges to Fight the New Xenophobia] în perioada 6-8 iunie 2019, se va organiza conferința internațională A Call for Tolerance in the EU
Jean Monnet Module
Communicating on EU
Challenges to Fight the
New Xenophobia’
The Department of Political Sciences and Communication Sciences from University of Oradea, welcomes you to participate in the International Comference A Call for Tolerance in the EU that is a part of the Jean Monnet Module ‘Communicating on EU Challenges to Fight the New Xenophobia’ funded by the European Commission.
We welcoming submissions from scholars, practitioners, and students whose research interests are related to the conference topics.
The aim is to gather professionals, decision-makers, academics and students willing to engage in combating xenophobic behaviors by using university knowledge and communication strategies.
According to our hypothesis, the reasons for such negative attitudes are the objectification of the OTHER and the fact that targeted groups are DIFFERENT. It includes phenomena such as chauvinism, racism, antisemitism, anti-minority sentiment, anti-romanyism, anti-Islam, sexism, homophobia, xenophobic nationalism … It takes various forms; from hate speech and discriminative behaviors – theoretical and practical – to violence against marginalized individuals and groups.
We invite you to participate in the international conference
A Call for Tolerance in the EU
June 6-8, 2019 Oradea, Romania
We are planning the followings topics at the conference:
- Xenophobic behavior in today’s Europe: Political communication, social attitudes
- Xenophobia and anti-Roma manifestations
- Framing Xenophobia in the media
- Anti-Minority discourse/attitudes (gender, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity
- How to revive the European humanist tradition of tolerance? (Overview on philosophy, art, fiction literature and films)
- New strategies in combating Xenophobia